Becoming a Leader : A growth based maturity model

The matter of leadership has enchanted possibly every individual, in his/her trail for excellence.Most of time, its seen as an over-night event of transformation that magically results from a spontaneous recipe of a few popular ingredients like courage, confidence and favourable externalities.People need to realize that sustainable and emulatory leadership goes much deeper than that level.I strongly feel there is a need for life-time value based maturity model of leadership, as a pathway which could be structured from very basic steps,so that it is accessible to a much wider audience.In the model that follows, I propose six phases of growth of individual leadership as a maturity model.

These phases are as follows:

Phase I :Instinctual bootstrapper
  • Trust your gut-instinct and take the first step.
  • The first steps land the first acquaintances
  • Acquaintances turn into relationships through active community-level interactions
  • Communication is key driver post-entry

Phase II: Directed enthusiast

  • Your instinct is now a directed 'purpose-vector'.
  • Through mentorship now you find a strategic dimension for your 'purpose-vector'
  • Gain more insights into heterogeneous domains.
  • Understands the role of human-factor in personalizing domain expertise into value-assets beyond boundaries of own niche.

Phase III: Refined Executor

  • Refine your purpose into a larger mission and vision.
  • You know your UVP and hence can negotiate any given status-quo
  • As you mature,you enable teams through proactive engagement.

Phase IV: Inclusive Facilitator

  • Informed by systemic intelligence.
  • Empathy and self-awareness brings enhanced calibration
  • Deeper self appreciation, active listening and community-awareness enables you to facilitate appreciation of the team
  • Exhibits inclusive leadership across teams from cross-functional domains
  • Phase V: Proactive disruptor

    • Transform as a meta-leader
    • Can effectively mould a challenge in the emergent crisis to a disruptive advantage
    • Pushes for the 'shift' beyond the 'optimality' resolution
    • Inculcates in his team a capability for resilience through disruptive transformation.
  • Phase VI: Global change-agent

    • As an agent of change initiates a cross-disciplinary and trans-national wave of transformation assuming a global magnitude.
    • Focuses on sustainability in leadership impact
    • Aggressively pursue newer paradigms to re-shape the conceptual space.The question arises : Whats next ?

    In these phases, I have assumed flexibility and recursivity.For example, a restart and For example, a restart and relaunch from phase VI to Phase I is possible, every time a new paradigm shift happens after propagating, growing and sustaining a disruptive change.This happens mostly as a perceptual-shift created both intrinsically( within the system) and extrinsically (entailments)from an innovative impact of global measure.Similarly from phase V to phase IV the pathway could be a real-time feedback check that can help assess and calibrate your strategic implications in deriving competitive advantage from crisis leadership to disruptive leadership.Similarly from phase V to phase IV the pathway could be a real-time feedback check that can help assess and retrace your strategic implications in deriving competitive advantage from crisis leadership to disruptive leadership.

  • The model has subjective elements and may need empirical validation for establishing the same as an objective reference model.I hope there are curious minds to stretch it further into wider dimensions.


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